Casella di testo: Information about program and author

DriverBackup! is a free software so it can be diffused with every mean. Author declines every liability for computer damage or data loss. Read instructions before use.


Writed and builder with Microsoft Visual Basic 2005.



Please report me every bug or errors occurred  during program’s use. I’m happy to receive suggests for DriverBackup! improving.


Now DriverBackup! is available in few languages. If you want to help me in translation please contact me.

Suggests & Bug Reporting

Installation & compatibility

DriverBackup! 2.0 is compatible with Windows XP or later only.

If you use it under Windows Vista, simple “copy & paste” action is required. If otherwise you use it in Windows XP or similar system .NET Framework 2.0 must be installed.


If you don’t want to install .NET Framework you can use previous version of DriverBackup!.




Few dollars can't damage your budget but are very important for me. I'm a student and I must spend a lot of time to write,test and update this program. However DriverBackup! is a free program and a part of money reachs Open Source Initiative. If you are satisfied of this program, consider a donation. Thank you.