Casella di testo: Offline backup

It is possible to get drivers from a damaged or offline system with few steps.

1) Connect to computer a storage device (hard disk or other memory device) where target system is stored. For example, you can extract hard disk from a computer with damaged system and connect it to another computer where DriverBackup! runs.

2) Click on “Backup from offline system” button.

3) Specify path of target system. (Example: Z:\Windows)


If program detects a valid operating system , name of target computer should be displayed near “Offline computer name” label.


In this case click to “Load” button to retrieve drivers information and “Ok” button to proceed.


Device listing is same as normal backup mode.








To run offline backup procedure ADMINISTRATIVE PRIVILEGES are required.


For system administrators:

Program try to set SE_BACKUP_PRIVILEGE and SE_RESTORE_PRIVILEGE in order to read registry files stored in target path.