Casella di testo: Path and date formatting

DriverBackup! allow user to control formatting of directory names in backup folder.


There are some useful placeholders:


For every directory (Main backup path,info file,single device)


%COMPUTERNAME%  Replaced with computer name


%NOW%  Replaced with current date.


For single device only


%DEVNAME% Name of current device

%CLASSNAME% Belonging class name

%CLASSGUID% Belonging class identifier (GUID)

%PROVIDERNAME% Provider name


Some examples:


Main path: “Drivers %COMPUTERNAME%” —> “Drivers PC-OBELIX”


Device path: “%DEVNAME% of %PROVIDERNAME%” —> “Graphic adapter 9330S of Best Graphics”.

DriverBackup! Provides also a date formatting feature based on tipical date format strings.

Some examples: "09/27/2006 15:06:01"

D  displays "09/27/2006"
D  -> "Tuesday, 27 September 2006" 
G  -> "09/27/2006 14:15:39"

MM/dd/yyyy ->  09/27/2006

MMMM,dd yyyy -> September,27 2006



y  -> "6"

yy -> "06"

yyy -> “2006"

yyyy -> "2006"



M -> "9"

MM ->  "09"

MMM -> "Sep"

MMMM -> "September"



d -> "7"

dd -> "27"

ddd -> "Thu"

dddd -> "Thursday"



h -> "3"

hh -> "03"

hhh -> "03"

hhhh -> "03"

H -> “15"

HH -> "15"

HHH -> "15"

HHHH -> "15"



m -> "3"

mm -> "03"

mmm -> "03"

mmmm -> "03"



s ->  “1"

ss -> "01"

sss -> "01"

ssss -> "01"



f -> “0"

ff -> "00"

fff -> "008"

ffff -> "0080"

F -> ""

FF -> ""

FFF -> "008"

FFFF -> "008"



Date formatting