[win] Add ADM_coreSubtitle to nsi files [admVersion] Prepare for 2.6.8 [WinInstaller] Prepare for 2.6.8 [editor/half fps] Actually allow to half fps [qt/audio] Fix issue when input files has more than 4 audio tracks (thanks rickardE) [editor] Try to be more prudent when evaluating doubled fps [filter/ass] dont use alloca [filter/ass] hook video filter to core subtitles [core/sub] Try to handle multilines subtitles [core/sub] Almost working srt->ssa simple filter [coreSub] Save subtitle in ass format (incomplete) [coreSubitle] Simplify srt2ssa [py/nonreg] Test case for subtitle [py] Add test functions in its own file [gen] Fix py function code generator, still ugly