.beta1 First build. Basic functions. The log pane was in the same level with settings. .beta4 Added filters for logging. Added start in tray option - hide the main window. Added option for removable drives. Fixed program close on windows shutdown. .beta4b New interface! Now the log is in different pane than the options. .beta6 Added splash screen. Added interaction with LCD Smartie. LCD Smartie plugin created. Added status bar. Added save ability for the log files. Fixed tray menu. .beta7 Added icon selection. Fixed LCD Smartie received status on program exit. First release on web (on old domain: www.limbo-online.tk). .rc1b Added more icons and different icon pane. Fixed autosave predefined keywords. Added link to open last saved log file. Fixed icons for preview. .rc2 Fixed bugs on splash screen. Changed the program icon. Major bug fixes. .rc3 Added interaction with keyboard lights. Minor bug fixes. .rc3b More bug fixes. Added browse for program folder link. .rc3c Added menu. Guess what? More bugs fixes. Added internal limit to unhandled log (protection for crashes). Second web release (still on www.limbo-onine.tk) .rc3d Added hold function and buffer for holding transactions. Hold time can tweaked via registry (default is 60 seconds). .rc3e Added stay on top function. Once again: Lot of bug fixes. .rc3g Tooltips corrected (Thanks to Zoltaris). Code cleanup - Added error traps. Added changelog pane (this pane). .rc3h Fixed stay on top bug when starting in tray. Program interface resized to fit Windows Vista. Fixed hold timer status indicator when unchecking the checkbox. Fixed save log checkboxes behavior to correctly enabled when are needed. Fixed "Save log" and "Clear log" menus to have same behavior with the buttons. .rc3i Added "Save on program exit". Added "Stay on top" on tray icon menu. Added "Loglines only if containing" option to log filters. Minor modifications on about screen. Project joined the open source community! .rc3j Major bug fix: Creating one log per second under a specific condition on check boxes. .rc3k Program interface changes. Added ability to massive log deletion. Fixed stay on top bug with about dialog active. .version 1 final ( Changed default log value to 5000 for lower memory usage. Fixed about screen closing while the main screen closing. Fixed start in tray bug. Fixed LCD Smartie interaction bug. Added guide for second instance shortcut. Added icons on the menus. .version Added used space bar indicator. Added drive name reading ability. Fixed error on not ready drive. Added disabled log banner on logbox. .version Removed textbox on drive selection (displayed with drivename). Added drive info labels on the selection frame. Improvement of missing drive error response. Fixed about box function. Edited guide window. .version Added new tab for information display. Added hdd serial number information. .version Few bugs fixed. .version Changed executable icon. Added one indicator on main program's menu. Added button to create second. Minor bug fixes. Added open web site menu item. Updated links on about screen. Changed version description to "Final++". Removed .net powered logo (useless info). Added ability to enable log from log pane. Changed the bar indicating the HDD usage. Added "Extreme" option to send the last line changed to LCD Smartie. .version Added additional option to enable the floating form for autohide taskbars. Added ability to show the drive name on floating form. More icon pairs added to program. .version - Service Release Added start with Windows option. Fixed bug to remember the keyboard light seletced. Fixed bug crash on shortcut creation. Tabs re ordered. Fixed credit links. Lots of code changes and optimizations. Time stamp set to enabled by default. .version - Patch Release Fixed version check error. Fixed crash on some systems for "Start with Windows". Fixed another shortcut creation bug. Fixed unhold timer error. Added "Create shortcut to desktop" menu. Added activity panel (to display current change). Fixed minor settings bug Tray right click menu re-arranged. Framework target is now 3.5. .version More options on Activity Panel by right clicking. Program logos changed to modern. Activity Panel displays last three lines. .version Extra indicator can stay on top. Another massive code optimization. Fixed bug on extra icon position. .version - 10 year anniversary edition Modern image set is applied. Context menus optimized. Bug fixed on extra indicator. Main window form resized. .version Latest lines window size re-adjusted. Number of lines increased to 5 lines. Picture set to resize with the window. .version Stay on top indicators fixed. Minor interface changes on main window. Icons removed from context menus. .version Changed targeted framework to v 4.5.1. Controls re-arranged. Added new tab for settings. Removed info tab. Removed top left corner blinking image. Optimized startup procedure. Changed timestamp format. Logs files moved to logs subdirectory on program path. .version Changed program design. Huge code optimization on every single part of the program. Optimized activity management for less lags and better performance. .version Added option to enable/disable word wrap on log window. Fixed main window misbehavior on appearance. Fixed bug on persisted keyboard light interaction. Improved log link labels functions. Better file system supervision. Better icon selection function. Icons changed to higher resolution. .version Added WiFi LED support to create hardware LEDs. Improved icon response. Changed some icon sets. Other minor code optimizations and bug fixes. Added (a useless) sound integration.