NetworkTrafficView v2.16 Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018 Nir Sofer Web site: Description =========== NetworkTrafficView is a network monitoring tool that captures the packets pass through your network adapter, and displays general statistics about your network traffic. The packets statistics is grouped by the Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Source/Destination Addresses, and Source/Destination ports. For every statistics line, the following information is displayed: Ethernet Type (IPv4, IPv6, ARP), IP Protocol (TCP, UDP, ICMP), Source Address, Destination Address, Source Port, Destination Port, Service Name (http, ftp, and so on), Packets Count, Total Packets Size, Total Data Size, Data Speed, Maximum Data Speed, Average Packet Size, First/Last Packet Time, Duration, and process ID/Name (For TCP connections). Versions History ================ * Version 2.16: o Fixed bug from version 2.15: NetworkTrafficView crashed when selecting network interface without connection information. * Version 2.15: o The information of the selected network adapter is now displayed in the window title. * Version 2.13: o Added 'Select All' and 'Deselect All' to the 'Column Settings' window. * Version 2.12: o Fixed the 'Service Name' column to detect service names from the official services list of Microsoft (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\services). * Version 2.11: o Automatic export feature: You can now choose to generate a new filename on every session (When you close the program and then run it again) or on every save. You can also generate a filename with date/time (e.g: ntv20170925102400.csv) instead of numeric counter. * Version 2.10: o Added option to automatically export the network traffic information to a file (csv/tab-delimited/html/xml) every xx seconds (In 'Advanced Options' window). * Version 2.06: o Added 'IPNetInfo - Source IP' option. * Version 2.05: o Added 'Save All Items' (Shift+Ctrl+S). * Version 2.04: o NetworkTrafficView now automatically loads the new version of WinPCap driver from if it's installed on your system. * Version 2.03: o Added 'Align Numeric Columns To Right' option. * Version 2.02: o Added option to choose another font (name and size) to display in the main window. * Version 2.01: o NetworkTrafficView now tries to load the dll of Network Monitor Driver 3.x (NmApi.dll) according to the installation path specified in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Netmon3. This change should solve the problem with loading the Network Monitor Driver 3.x on some systems. * Version 2.00: o Added 4 columns to the adapters list in the 'Capture Options' window: 'Connection Name', 'MAC Address', 'Instance ID', 'Interface Guid'. o When using WinPCap driver , NetworkTrafficView now displays more accurate information in the adapters list of the 'Capture Options' window. * Version 1.96: o NetworkTrafficView now displays the process names (Some of them without the full path) for most processes when you run it without elevation ('Run As Administrator'). * Version 1.95: o Added 'Auto Size Columns On Every Update' option. o Added /StopCommandLineCapture command-line option, which allows you to stop a command-line capture that is currently running and save all captured information to a file. o You can now specify '0' in the /CaptureTime command-line in order to capture the network traffic without time limit. The capture will stop when you run NetworkTrafficView with /StopCommandLineCapture command. o Added /SaveToFileInterval command-line option, which allows you to save the capture result every xx seconds, instead of saving to file only when the capture ends. * Version 1.90: o Added option to group by source address or destination address. * Version 1.87: o Fixed bug: NetworkTrafficView failed to remember the last size/position of the main window if it was not located in the primary monitor. * Version 1.86: o Added secondary sorting support: You can now get a secondary sorting, by holding down the shift key while clicking the column header. Be aware that you only have to hold down the shift key when clicking the second/third/fourth column. To sort the first column you should not hold down the Shift key. * Version 1.85: o NetworkTrafficView now allows you to automatically add it to the allowed programs list of Windows firewall when starting to capture and remove it when you stop capturing. This option is needed when using the 'Raw Socket' capture method while Windows firewall is turned on, because if NetworkTrafficView is not added to Windows firewall, the incoming traffic is not captured at all. o NetworkTrafficView now offers you to run it as administrator (Under Windows Vista/7/8 with UAC) if you start to capture using Raw Sockets method. * Version 1.82: o Added columns names ('IP Address' and 'Adapter Name') to the adapters list on the 'Capture Options' window. * Version 1.81: o Added integration with IPNetInfo utility * Version 1.80: o Added 'Host Names and IP Addresses' to the 'Addresses Display Mode'. * Version 1.78: o Fixed bug: The 'Promiscuous Mode' check-box in the 'Capture Options' window was not saved to the configuration file. * Version 1.77: o Added /cfg command-line option, which instructs NetworkTrafficView to use a config file in another location instead if the default config file, for example: NetworkTrafficView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\NetworkTrafficView.cfg" o Added 'Show Time In GMT' option. * Version 1.76: o Added 'Maximum Packet Size' column. For TCP connections that transfers significant amount of data, the value under this column represents the actual MTU. * Version 1.75: o Added option to group by service name - http, https, ftp, and so on. (In 'Advanced Options' window). * Version 1.70: o Added option to group by IP country (In 'Advanced Options' window). This feature requires to download IP address to country file (the file of or the GeoLite City database). * Version 1.65: o The 'First Packet Time', 'Last Packet Time', and 'Duration' columns now display more accurate result when using the WinPcap driver or the Microsoft Network Monitor driver, version 3.4 or greater. That's because NetworkTrafficView takes the capture timestamps provided by these drivers instead of taking the current date/time from the system at the moment that NetworkTrafficView analyzes the packet. o Added 'Latency' column, which calculates and displays the network latency in milliseconds. It calculates the time difference from the moment that the client sends the first packet and the moment that the response received from the server. The result is usually very similar to what you get if you ping to the same address. Be aware that this column is only active when the Packet Direction Grouping (In 'Advanced Options' window) is 'Display both packet directions in a single line'. Also, to get accurate results, you should use the WinPcap driver or the Microsoft Network Monitor driver (version 3.4 or later) to capture the packets. * Version 1.62: o Fixed the flickering problem on Windows 7. * Version 1.61: o When capturing traffic from command-line ( with /CaptureTime ), NetworkTrafficView now also updates the following columns: Data Speed, Maximum Data Speed, Process ID, and Process Filename. * Version 1.60: o Added 'Load From Capture File' option. This option allows you to load a capture file created by WinPcap/Wireshark (Requires the WinPcap driver) or a capture file created by Microsoft Network Monitor driver (Requires the Network Monitor driver 3.x) and then display the network traffic statistics, exactly like the traffic statistics you get with a live capture. o Added /load_file_pcap and /load_file_netmon command-line options. * Version 1.57: o Fixed bug: NetworkTrafficView displayed the process filename incorrectly. * Version 1.56: o Added 'Auto Size Columns+Headers' option, which allows you to automatically resize the columns according to the row values and column headers. o Added 'Mark Odd/Even Rows' option, under the View menu. When it's turned on, the odd and even rows are displayed in different color, to make it easier to read a single line. o Fixed issue: The properties dialog-box and other windows opened in the wrong monitor, on multi-monitors system. * Version 1.55: o Added support for GeoLite City database. You can now download the GeoLite City database (GeoLiteCity.dat.gz), put it in the same folder of NetworkTrafficView.exe, and NetworkTrafficView will automatically use it to get the country/city information for every IP address. * Version 1.50: o Added option to save/load the configuration of NetworkTrafficView. o Added command-line support: You can now run NetworkTrafficView to capture traffic for the specified number of seconds, and then save the result into tab-delimited/csv/xml/html file, without displaying any user interface. For example: NetworkTrafficView.exe /shtml c:\temp\traffic.html /CaptureTime 20 /Sort "~Total Data Size" * Version 1.42: o Fixed bug: When opening the 'Capture Options' dialog-box after Network Monitor Driver 3.x was previously selected, NetworkTrafficView switched back to Raw Sockets mode. * Version 1.41: o Fixed NetworkTrafficView to sort Ipv4 addresses correctly. * Version 1.40: o Added option to filter by the duration of every packets statistics line (In 'Display Filter Options' window). * Version 1.35: o Added option to choose the displayed speed unit: kB/Sec, KiB/Sec, MB/Sec, MiB/Sec, or Mbps. * Version 1.31: o The speed filter now allows you to specify non-interger values (e.g: 0.5 KB/Sec) o Fixed the problem with Windows 2000 appeared on version v1.30 * Version 1.30: o Added new option: 'Display only items with speed above...' (In Display Filter Options window) o Added new option: Display only items with minimum number of packets (In Display Filter Options window) * Version 1.25: o Added 'Source Country' and 'Destination Country' columns, which displays the country of the specified IPv4 addresses. In order to activate this feature, you have to download the IP to countries file from this Web page, and then put the downloaded IpToCountry.csv file in the same folder of the .exe file. o Fixed the accelerator key of 'Stop Capture' (F6) * Version 1.20: o Added 'Start As Hidden' option. When this option and 'Put Icon On Tray' option are turned on, the main window of NetworkTrafficView will be invisible on start. * Version 1.15: o Added 5 new columns which counts the flags of all TCP packets: TCP Ack, TCP Push, TCP Reset, TCP Syn, and TCP Fin. * Version 1.10: o Added 'Put Icon On Tray' option. * Version 1.05: o Added new general grouping mode: Group by process. * Version 1.00 - First release. System Requirements =================== * This utility works on any version of Windows, starting from Windows 2000 and up to Windows 10, including 64-bit systems. * One of the following capture drivers is required to use NetworkTrafficView: o WinPcap Capture Driver: WinPcap is an open source capture driver that allows you to capture network packets on any version of Windows. You can download and install the WinPcap driver from this Web page. o Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 2.x (Only for Windows 2000/XP/2003): Microsoft provides a free capture driver under Windows 2000/XP/2003 that can be used by NetworkTrafficView, but this driver is not installed by default, and you have to manually install it, by using one of the following options: - Option 1: Install it from the CD-ROM of Windows 2000/XP according to the instructions in Microsoft Web site - Option 2 (XP Only) : Download and install the Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support Tools. One of the tools in this package is netcap.exe. When you run this tool in the first time, the Network Monitor Driver will automatically be installed on your system. o Microsoft Network Monitor Driver version 3.x: Microsoft provides a new version of Microsoft Network Monitor driver (3.x) that is also supported under Windows 7/Vista/2008. The new version of Microsoft Network Monitor (3.x) is available to download from Microsoft Web site. * You can also try to use NetworkTrafficView without installing any driver, by using the 'Raw Sockets' method. Unfortunately, Raw Sockets method has many problems: o It doesn't work in all Windows systems, depending on Windows version, service pack, and the updates installed on your system. On some systems, Raw Sockets works only partially and captures only the incoming packets. On some other systems, it doesn't work at all. o On systems that 'Raw Sockets' method works properly, it can only capture IPv4 TCP/UDP packets. It cannot capture other type of packets, like the other capture drivers. o On Windows 7 with UAC turned on, 'Raw Sockets' method only works when you run NetworkTrafficView with 'Run As Administrator'. Start Using NetworkTrafficView ============================== Except of a capture driver needed for capturing network packets, NetworkTrafficView doesn't require any installation process or additional dll files. In order to start using it, simply run the executable file - NetworkTrafficView.exe After running NetworkTrafficView in the first time, the 'Capture Options' window appears on the screen, and you're requested to choose the capture method and the desired network adapter. In the next time that you use NetworkTrafficView, it'll automatically start capturing packets with the capture method and the network adapter that you previously selected. You can always change the 'Capture Options' again by pressing F9. After choosing the capture method and network adapter, NetworkTrafficView starts to display your current network traffic, grouped by the Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Source/Destination Addresses, and Source/Destination ports. You can press F6 to stop the network traffic capture, F5 to start it again, or Ctrl+X to clear the current network traffic statistics. Change the Grouping Mode ======================== In the 'Advanced Options' window (F8), you can change the grouping settings, which affects the way that the network traffic statistics is accumulated and displayed on the screen: * Packet Direction Grouping: o Display both packet directions in a single line: When you choose this option, packets sent in both directions (client to server and server to client) are accumulated in the same statistics line. o Display the 2 packet directions in 2 separated lines: When you choose this option, packets sent from client to server and packets sent from server to client are accumulated and displayed in 2 different statistics lines. * General Grouping: o Group by combination of Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, Addresses, and TCP/UDP Ports: When this option is selected, every TCP connection is accumulated and displayed separately. For example, if your Web browser opens 5 connections to the same server, 5 or 10 statistics lines (depending on the Packet Direction Grouping) will be displayed on the screen. o Group by combination of Ethernet Type, IP Protocol, and Addresses. Ignore TCP/UDP Ports: When this option is selected, all TCP connections with the same client and server are accumulated and displayed in the same statistics line. For example, if your Web browser opens 5 connections to the same server, 1 or 2 statistics lines (depending on the Packet Direction Grouping) will be displayed on the screen. o Group by process: When this option is selected, all TCP connections came from the same process are accumulated and displayed in the same statistics line. IP Address Country/City Information =================================== NetworkTrafficView allows you to view country/city information for every IP address. In order to activate this feature, you have to download one of the following external files, and put the file in the same folder of NetworkTrafficView.exe: * Download the IPv4 CSV file, extract it from the zip/gz file, and put it in the same folder of NetworkTrafficView.exe as IpToCountry.csv * GeoLite City database: Download the GeoLite City in Binary / gzip (GeoLiteCity.dat.gz) and put it in the same folder of NetworkTrafficView.exe If you want to get faster loading process, extract the GeoLiteCity.dat from the GeoLiteCity.dat.gz and put it in the same folder of NetworkTrafficView.exe Integration with IPNetInfo utility ================================== If you want to get more information about the destination IP address displayed in NetworkTrafficView utility, you can use the Integration with IPNetInfo utility in order to easily view the IP address information loaded directly from WHOIS servers: 1. Download and run the latest version of IPNetInfo utility. 2. Select the desired connections, and then choose "IPNetInfo - Destination IP" from the File menu (or simply click Ctrl+I). 3. IPNetInfo will retrieve the information about destination IP addresses of the selected items. Columns Description =================== * Ethernet Type: Displays the Ethernet type - IPv4, IPv6, ARP, and so on. * IP Protocol: Displays the IP protocol, when the Ethernet type is IPv4 or IPv6 - TCP, UDP, ICMP, and so on. * Source/Destination Address: Displays the source and destination addresses of this packets summary line. For non-IP packets (like ARP), the MAC addresses are displayed. For IP packets (IPv4 or IPv6), the IP addresses or host names are displayed. * Source/Destination Port: For TCP lines, the port numbers of the TCP connection are displayed. * Service Name: For TCP lines, displays the service name (http, https, ftp, and so on) according to the lower port number. * Status: For TCP lines, displays whether the TCP connection is opened or closed. Be aware that by default, the 'Hide Closed TCP Connection' option is turned on, which means that closed connections are automatically hidden, unless you turn off the 'Hide Closed TCP Connection' option. * Packets Count: The number of packets counted for the specified packets group. * Total Packets Size: The total size of all packets (in bytes), including the packet headers, for the specified packets group. * Total Data Size: The total size of the data of all packets (in bytes), excluding the Ethernet and TCP/IP headers, for the specified packets group. * Data Speed: The current data speed for the specified packets group, in KB/Sec. * Maximum Data Speed: The maximum data speed recorded by NetworkTrafficView for the specified packets group. * Average Packet Size: The average packet size (in bytes) of the specified packets group. * First Packet Time: The date/time that the first packet of the specified packets group was captured. * Last Packet Time: The date/time that the last packet of the specified packets group was captured. * Duration: The difference between the first packet time and the last packet time. * Process ID: The process ID of the specified TCP connection. * Process Name: The process .exe name of the specified TCP connection. Command-Line Options ==================== /cfg Start NetworkTrafficView with the specified configuration file. For example: NetworkTrafficView.exe /cfg "c:\config\ntv.cfg" NetworkTrafficView.exe /cfg "%AppData%\NetworkTrafficView.cfg" /load_file_pcap Loads the specified capture file, created by WinPcap driver. /load_file_netmon Loads the specified capture file, created by Network Monitor driver 3.x. /CaptureTime