Using Textpad with Syntax Highlighting and Context Sensitive Help
"Description from Trids"
Some tips for integrating TextPad and AutoIt:
Setup an "Execute" tool in TextPad
- In TP: Configure \ Preferences \ Tools \ Add \ Programs \ <Navigate to AutoIt3.exe> \ Apply.
- This will create a tool called "AutoIt3" in TP's [Tools] menu. You can rename this if you want - see TP helpfile if necessary.
Set Hotkey for the Execute tool
- In TP: Configure \ Preferences \ Keyboard \ Tools \ <select your execute tool you just created above> \ Press new Shortcut key:<I
use F5> \ Apply.
- This will enable you to simply press F5 to execute a script you have open
in TextPad.
Setup Context Sensitive Help for AutoIt in TP
This method applies to TP version 4.7.2 and later (and possibly some earlier versions too)
- In TP: Configure \ Preferences \ Tools \ Add \ Online Help File \ <Navigate to your AutoIt.chm file> \ Apply. If your version of TextPad does not have an Online Help File tool type, then see METHOD-2 below.
- Setup a Hotkey for this tool: see Hotkey procedure above - I use ALT+F2.
- This enables you to select an interesting function in a script that you
have open in TP, and press ALT+F2 to get instant gratification.
- METHOD-2 .. (thanks to CyberSlug and JdeB)
Use this method if your version of TextPad does NOT have the Online Help File tool type referred to in METHOD-1
- Download and install the free KeyHH.exe
- For the purposes of this explanation, assume you place it in C:\Program Files\AutoIt3.
- Setup another TP tool: Configure \ Preferences \ Tools \ Add \ Programs \ <Navigate to KeyHH.exe> \ Apply.
- Then edit this tool and replace [Parameters] with -#klink $SelWord "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\AutoIt.chm"
- Setup a Hotkey for this tool: see Hotkey procedure above - I use ALT+F2.
- This enables you to select an interesting function in a script that you
have open in TP, and press ALT+F2 to get instant gratification.