====================================================================== IgorWare Hasher calcualtes SHA-1, MD5 and CRC32 hash for text or file - written in c++ - 64bit and 32bit versions available Author: Igor Email: support@igorware.com Website: www.igorware.com/hasher ====================================================================== 1.7.0 * new: support for Windows shutdown manager - blocks shutdown if hash operation is in progress * new: added high DPI awareness * improvement: higher resolution icon added, unfortunately this adds quite a lot to the app size (almost doubled) 1.6.0 * improvement: Hasher now automatically removes invalid characters from verification hashes 1.5.1 * change: auto update checker will use new thread so it doesn't block app startup 1.5.0 * new: update checker * new: option to include file path on copy command 1.4.4 * improvement: verification files loader will now search for "filename.ext.sfv", "filename.ext.md5", and "filename.ext.sha" * fix: when searching for verification hash in multihash file, hasher would set display error message even when matching filename was found 1.4.3 * fix: hasher wasn't properly detecting extension separator (dot) when saving hash values for files with multiple dots in file name (file.name.ext) 1.4.2 * fix: auto clipboard loader wasn't working 1.4.1 * fix: removed function that required at least Windows Vista for IgorWare hasher to run 1.4.0 * new: option to automatically fetch verification hash value from clipboard on file load * new: option to clear invalid verification values before hash calculation * new: option to remember window position * new: added file size and last changed date to clipboard data (copy button) * new: UTF-8 text coding (this will be the default encoding from now on) * fix: spelling 1.3.1 * new: option to reload verification files before hash calculation * fix: status text color wasn't always changed back to black color * improvement: verification files will now be parsed even if file contains multiple hash values 1.3.0 * new: option to automatically calculate hash when you drag and drop file on hasher * new: option to automatically calculate hash for file in command line * new: command line switches - c = calculate hash; to define algorithm use switches c for crc32, m for md5 and s for sha1 inside brackets [] - s = save files after calculation - x = exit after calculation - sample: hasher.exe -c[cms]sx "c:\file.txt" 1.2.0 * improvement: speed increase with parallel calculation * new: ability to stop calculating hash values, "Calculate" button becomes "Stop" * new: copy button, you can copy hash information to clipboard * new: you can now clear all fields by pressing escape * improvement: status is now separated for file and text, to avoid confusion when switching between tabs * improvement: program will now re-compare hash values even if you enter verification hash values after program has already calculated resulting hash * fixed: red text markings on resulting hash values stayed on when switching between tabs 1.1.0 * improvement: users can create verification files * improvement: option to show hash values in upper or lower case * improvement: users can manually select files with hash value (*.sha, *.md5 and *.sfv) for verification * improvement: users can manually enter hash values for verification * fixed: state of checkbox for SHA-1 hash was not saved * fixed: progress bar for large (4GB+) files * fixed: drag&drop will not accept folders as path anymore 1.0.0 * first version