Collection Scheme Audio Power Amplifier High Power MOSFETs
200W Audio Amplifier with Mosfet BUZ905P-BUZ900P
This project is develop from the MOSFET Power amplifier 100W that posted which it take to use in many activity such as Guitar amp,Mic,or Home theater and you will be to apply it.As many people prefer because of its robustness MOSFET legendary. Altronics had a MOSFET amplifier with 200W, the product in a 4Ω, and we have decided to take a look at is.
It turns out that on the basis of the Pro One “, as described above, even if this version of Altronics and to the various MOSFETs. He has a rated output of 140W to 200W into 4Ω and 8W. Frequency range of 1 dB 20Hz up to 80kHz (Fig. 1). THD is less than 0.1% at full power (Fig. 2) and signal to noise ratio when compared to 200W is better than -100 dB unweighted.
Performance of the prototype
Output power (RMS ):… 140W into 8 ohms, 200W into 4 ohms
Frequency Response:. 20Hz – 80kHz-1dB points (see Figure 1)
Input sensitivity: ………… 830mV for 200W into 4 ohms
Distortion: … <0.1% (20 Hz – 20 kHz) (see Fig.2)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio:. > 102dB unweighted, 105dB A-weighted with respect to 200W into 4 ohms
Stability :…………………….. Unconditional
Originally, the “Pro Series One” was developed by Hitachi MOSFET A-3 metal containers. They are no longer available, and their counterparts from plastics are very difficult to obtain. Altronics on this situation and have essentially the same circuits designed for Plastic MOSFET corresponds Exicon by the United Kingdom. This required a re-design of the computer, so that all MOSFET and the pilot for all transistors on a plate are vertically mounted on the radiator.
Besides the use of plastic in the power transistors, which greatly simplifies the assembly of the metal in comparison with A-3 power transistors, have Altronics spring clips in the proximity of the pairs of transistors, so things were still simple. The spring clips, just what the voltage for transistors and there is no harm in a transistor due to struggle more screws.
The heat sink is a black anodized aluminum extrusion with fins on one side. It measures 300 mm long and has a lid that a 80mm fan cooled 24V DC. The fan runs constantly, which means that the radiator is always cool (or at least slightly above the ambient temperature).
100W Audio Amplifer Circuit With MOSFET IRFP240
MOSFET amplifier with MOSFET for your build in electronic hobby.
I would like to show you here a basic MOSFET amplifier or power Amp which Output power is plus/minus 100 Watt/RMS with
8 Ohms or ohter plus/minus 160 Watts /RMS with 4 ohms.
Regarding this circuit simplicity, The distortion is plus/minus 0.1 %.
For band-width -3 db(decibel) is gain for 4 Hz to 96 Khz, it is limited by C1, R1, C2 and R2.
In the two transistors are T1 and T2 makes a first differential stage part, So,current source(I) of +/- one mA is set with resistor R3.
For the upgraded project, The current source(I) is more efficient in stability. Coil P1 allows a fine tuning of direct current voltage at amplifier’s output. Place the Coil P1 with it’s half value for first power up, then turn it slowly for a lowest DC output voltage. Use a first quality compoment.
Electronic Part
C1 = 2,2 µF MKP, MKT 100 V
C2 = 330 pF céramique 50 V
C3 = 100 nF MKP, MKT 100 V
C4 = 100 µF 40 V électro-chimique
C5, C6 = 18 pF céramique 50 V
C7 = 100 nF MKP, MKT 250 V (C8 = 47 µF 100 V)
R1, R3 = 47 K (R3 = 330 -> 470 Ohms)
R2 = 2K2
R4, R5 = 3K9
R6 = 1 K
R7 = 27 K
R8, R9, R11 = 100 ohms
R10 = 10 K
R12, R13 = 470 ohms
R14, R15 = 0.33 ohms 5 watts
R16 = 10 ohms 3 watts (R17 = 1 K R18, R19 = 10K)
T1, T2, T9,T10 = 2SD756A,2SD716A, BC556B (attention au brochage différent – take care for pin layout)
T7 = IRFP240, 2SK1530, 2SJ162, BUZ900DP, BUZ901DP (attention au brochage different – take care for pin layout : GDS GSD)P1 = 100 ohms (25 tours – 25 turns)
230W Audio Amplifer Circuit With MOSFET IRFP240,9240
230 W MOSFET Audio Amplifer Circuit Here is simple LED-power audio amplifier circuit with MOSFET amplifier TL071C and 2 may be up to 45 W into 8 ohms.
The scheme is at the request SILICONIX and the voltage change of 2 serial resistances from suppliers operating voltage amplifier driver was inserted.
MOSFET must be mounted on at least one condenser 1K / W.
Amplifier efficiency is 70%, the reduction in the frequency distortion in more than 0.2% at 20 Hz at 8 ohms and 10W.
With a supply voltage in the range of + – 30V, can supply audio amplifier MOSFET 45W into 8 ohms and 70W into 4 ohms.
Remember that the sound amplifier is short, so all you can check the radio button is protected, whether the speaker is connected.
400Watt Audio Power Amplifier with Mosfet BUZ902DP
If you like in the sound system or sound this circuit will should like you , This amplifier has two completely separate mono amplifiers with each channel has its own power supply to the order of zero channel crosstalk, a common phenomenon in amplifiers have the same food.
To view the full performance of each supply transformer should be evaluated at 40VAC – 0 – 40VAC at 640VA.
Unlike many models of capacitors is a reservoir to supply the peak currents, I prefer the power transformer in a much faster transient. BUZ902DP Although the specifications are rather modest,
if they can hear you now to experience a large reserve of power available and never any reason to worry that something to do than drive a large number of amplifiers aloud. You do not hear nothing but the truth without distortion at all levels, and I can assure you that this amplifier is required to provide the best features coupled.
800 Watt Audio Amplifer circuit with MOSFET
800W audio amplifier circuitThe audio power amplifier ideal for home user or PA work or for use as a general-purpose subwoofer or hi-fi amplifier. There are many people like to prefer MOSFET as their legendary ruggedness.
This circuit project had the Mosfet amplifier module which produced 800 Watt into 4 Ohm speaker load and so we decided to take a look it.
It was turned out to be based on the “Pro Series One” as mentioned above, although this version by Altronics has had derated and adapted to different MOSFET. It has a power output rate with 700W into 8W and 800W into 4 Ohm. For frequency response is within 1dB from 20Hz to 80kHz. Total harmonic distortion is rated at less than 0.1% up to full power and signal-to-noise ratio with respect to 800W is better than 100dB unweighted.
For circuit using MOSFET number BUZ902DP ,BUZ907DP which is popula take to build amplifer, If you see the circuit ,It seen 2 same circuits in the project which one circuit can gen power output at 400 Watt.
1000W MOSFET Audio Amplifier Circuit
Welcome to Hobby Electronics ,Today i’m still present the audio amplifier circuit ,I like the supper amplifier .So,I would like to show you the 1000Watts MOSFET amplifier circuit for your build sound system.
Click the picture left side to open the Circuit in PDF file.
I include full schemaatic chart and film; pattern of the 1000-watt amplifier and a step by step instructions for setting the construction of the amplifier is a true full 1000 watts per channel.
I have been building and playing very well goood can drive a 18 Bring with inch subwoofer dual magnet high performance at UA smooth clear and crisp sound that I used for outdoor event and mobile services when building you will, said this amp I can only contact me gave my email Mail on how to get this project … I assure you his powerful …. You could, but I have to return it a full program of 20 band equalizer can be difficult to find on the net …
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hello friends we make good quality of pcbs of AV800 and AV1000
u just need to buy the transformer and connect to the amplifier board n use it cost for one pcb with all parts mounted at just Rs-2500/- with all genuine components for more details mail us on
Nice Circuit.....
Thanks buddy......
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hello dear are you tested above amplifiers. what is the speaker wattage of 1000w amp.
please privet mail to me
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Very useful information. But, the circuit diagrams are looking not clear. So, I am not able to understand some parts of the circuits. Can you please upload the clear and quality images of circuit diagrams?
subject: 1000W MOSFET Audio Amplifier Circuit
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