700W Leach Amplifier

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Here's a Leach Amplifier based on 2SC5200 and 2SA1943 output power transistors that can provide up to 700W of power. The mechanical design is relatively simple, the transistors are placed on the two cooling profiles with a height of 66 mm, width 44mm, overall length 260mm. They are turned against each other Thus, from the cooling tunnel. Coolers are attaching the nylon backing which allows the assembly of transistors without washers, and thus better transfer of heat. DPS amplifier is at the top of the tunnel and the transistors are soldered from the bottom of PCB.

700W Leach Amplifier Adjust the amplifier power 700W looks easy, but we must not forget that the change in forcing transistors, the entire re-engagement of frequency offset. It is necessary to modify the current insurance policy which serves to protect the final transistors. Their tendency to be allowed to keep the transistors in the SOAR characteristics. First it was necessary to calculate all the necessary resistors and then measured to verify the accuracy of the calculations, it is managed with satisfactory results. Peripheral changes needed for it to be able to consistently amplifier to supply power. - First you need to replace the 2k2 resistors in series with the LEDs at Zenerovými resistors with higher wattage. Suffice 1/2W resistors, power loss at 80V +-based 1W. - Then was traded 1k2 resistor in the feedback resistor at 620 ohms. Which is the original gain has doubled, so now is the overall gain amplifier 40 and the maximum excitation is sufficient to 1V rms. - Předbudiči transistors were replaced by stronger MJE15032/33 because KF467/470 are allowed collector current 20mA - At the exciter output stages are used the same transistors as the output stage. - Number of terminals of transistors has been increased to eight pairs - It had to occur to compensate for the excitation level by adding a capacitor 10pF to 47pF + 22K member. This led to a slight "slow" amplifiers, but this did not affect the resulting parameters. This capacity is tuned precisely for this type of terminal transistors 2SA1943/2SC5200. With that it is a minimum value at which the amplifier operates stably without overshoot at the rising and falling edges of the square. - The last adjustment, the adjustment terminal current protection transistor. The SOAR transistor characteristics shows that the maximum allowable collector current when the voltage of 1.5 A is ideal for cooling, so it's actually less. Therefore, the current protection is set to 12A, single-arm. This copy protection SOAR transistor characteristics. Short-circuit current is about 6 A which is about 075A per transistor. This is far below the SOAR characteristics. The mechanical design is relatively simple, the transistors are placed on the two cooling profiles with a height of 66 mm, width 44mm, overall length 260mm. They are turned against each other Thus, from the cooling tunnel. Coolers are attaching the nylon backing which allows the assembly of transistors without washers, and thus better transfer tepla.DPS amplifier is at the top of the tunnel and the transistors are soldered from the bottom of PCB.
Technical parameters:
Output: 680W/2R, 450W/4R, 260W/8R
Minimum speaker impedance: 2R
Bandwidth: 10-180 000Hz/-3dB
Maximum permissible voltage: max + /-80V
Fusing end amplifier: 2x 15A / F
Late connection: approx 1.5 sec
Input sensitivity for maximum excitation: 1.1 V
Slew rate: 35V/us

25 komentar — Skip to Comment

Anonim mengatakan...

hi i found some mistakes on the 700w leach amplifier,on the blue diagram i found 2 diodes(1N4148) and 2 resistors that are not shown on the green and red diagram,i need to know if the amplifier dont need those components or if it need them i need the values of the resistors,the resistors are in parallel with diodes,and the diodes are connected collector to emiter on a bc546,and the other is connected emiter to base on a bc556

Anonim mengatakan...

hi i found some mistakes on the 700w leach amplifier,on the blue diagram i found 2 diodes(1N4148) and 2 resistors that are not shown on the green and red diagram,i need to know if the amplifier dont need those components or if it need them i need the values of the resistors,the resistors are in parallel with diodes,and the diodes are connected collector to emiter on a bc546,and the other is connected emiter to base on a bc556

Anonim mengatakan...

not no need using the resistors

Anonim mengatakan...

Hi, I need the bias voltage for the 700w amplifier.

cyrus gonzaga mengatakan...

Parts list please and Bias voltage or a setup procedure

cyrus gonzaga mengatakan...

we need parts list and setup procedure

Anonim mengatakan...

This is probabaly the original project, right?


pandoy mengatakan...


pandoy mengatakan...

Is this circuit really work? If so, im interested to build one, thanks

pandoy mengatakan...

I forgot to ask whats the real size of the pcb of the 700watts amplifier circuit, thanks again

Anonim mengatakan...

this is a modified version of leach amp. a very good design.nice substitute of power transistor. anyways parts list and size of the original pcb are found on this web site:

Safir Ashiyane mengatakan...

av800 or 700W Leach Amplifier? what is the better?

Yogesh Prajapati mengatakan...

Please send me complete parts list, pcb layout in exact size, power pcb with details, about transformer etc.
My email id

Yogesh Prajapati mengatakan...

Please send me complete parts list, pcb layout in exact size, power pcb with details, about transformer etc.
My email id nileshgupta0000@gmail.com

abi ae mengatakan...

mantap ..
ijn sedot mr..


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Risang Anggara mengatakan...

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