On 1 January 2013, the Construction Workers Registration Authority and the Construction Industry Council have been amalgamated. The URL of the Construction Workers Registration Authority- www.cwra.org.hk has ceased operation. Please visit the New website - http://cwr.hkcic.org for information on Construction Workers Registration.
For enquiries, please dial 2871 5500. Thank you.
1 January 2013
建造業工人註冊管理局 及 建造業議會 已於二零一三年一月一日合併。 建造業工人註冊管理局之網址 www.cwra.org.hk 已停止運作。 請進入新網站 - http://cwr.hkcic.org瀏覽建造業工人註冊的有關資料。
查詢請電:2871 5500。謝謝。
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