The list at center of screen shows all devices found on local computer, sorted by ownership class. |
Usually all devices are listed, but you can select a specify provider class or setting “Full portability” or “Digital signature”.
To select a provider class click on one of buttons upon the list:
-All: Shows all devices -OEM: Shows devices with a Microsoft driver. -Third parts: Shows devices with a third part driver.
“Digital signature” button select devices with a digital signature (“WHQL”) only.
“Full portability” button select devices that are totally compatible with backup and restore.
When you have selected desired devices, click on “Backup” button to open backup window.
Click on “Browse” button and select a directory where backup’s files will be copied. It’s recommended to select an empty directory. At the end of process program generates a Backup Info File (.BKI), that contains information about backup and backuped devices.
Every directory name,from backup main directory to single device one, can be formatted using special format specifiers. For a detailed description of format specifiers click here.
“Allow DriverBackup! to ovewrite files” checkbox enable DriverBackup! to ovewrite files in backup path, if required. Otherwise program raises an error.
“Generate file for auto-restoration” checkbox forces DriverBackup! to generate executable files for automatic drivers’ restoration. These files include a batch file “Restore.bat” and “Autorun.inf” that enables autorun in removable devices (USB Flash,CD-DVD-ROM).
PS: In order to enable autorun, backup files (Backup Info file “.BKI” and directory tree) must be copied in root path of device.
Some devices are marked as “incompatible” or “partially incompatibile”. It means that DriverBackup! hasn’t found some files or device’s configuration suggests that it could be compatible with current system only. |