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[VID]徐尚田 Chu Shong Tin 八斬刀 Eight Chopping Knives.mp45.3M~-mp4
[VID]徐尚田 Chu Shong Tin 六點半棍 6.5 Point Pole.mp47.7M~-mp4
[VID]徐尚田 Chu Shong Tin 木人樁 Mook Yan Jong.mp45.9M~-mp4
[VID]Chu Shong Tin - Bil Jee Power.mp4 17M~-mp4
[VID]Chu Shong Tin - Controlling the centreline.mp4 13M~-mp4
[VID]Chu Shong Tin - Elements of Chum Kui.mp4 31M~-mp4
[VID]Chu Shong Tin about the finer points of Ving Tsun Kuen.mp4 33M~-mp4
[VID]Chu Shong Tin Chisau with a late Ip Man student - Wing Chun legend.mp4 18M~-mp4
[VID]Lok Dim Boon Kwan and Applications by Chu Shong Tin 徐尚田 六點半棍 講解.mp4 24M~-mp4
[VID]Releasing body mass into a punch - the CST way.mp4 20M~-mp4
[VID]Stepping (in Chum Kiu) and Kicking (Chu Shong Tin Training Episodes #008).mp4 13M~-mp4
[VID]The Nature of 'Nim Tao' _ Chu Shong Tin Wing Chun.mp4 39M~-mp4
[VID]What is 'Nim Lik' and 'Qi'_ _ Chu Shong Tin.mp4 63M~-mp4

無有修行,應當如何 ? 』 玄奘大師開示說:
『昆山有玉,難免混雜泥沙; 麗水產金,豈能沒有瓦礫 ? 』
「土木雕成羅漢,敬奉就能培福; 銅鐵鑄成佛像,毀壞則會造罪 !」 「泥龍雖不能降雨,但祈雨必須祈禱泥龍; 凡僧雖不能降福,但修福必須供敬凡僧 !」
世間一切苦 悉從自利起 All Suffering comes from selfish 世間一切樂 皆從利他生 All Happiness comes from contribution 蠢人總覺別人蠢 ,傻瓜總覺別人傻! Only a fool would think the others are fool ! 歡迎廣傳 Copy Welcome !